With the rising popularity of Japanese anime, there are more people to wear cosplay costume. The cosplay will look great with the Tokyo Ghoul Contact Lenses from Softlens Queen.
How to Choose Color Contacts for Cosplay?
To choose the most perfect color for your anime contact lens, here some simple tips to follow.
1. The first thing to do is that you have to ensure that you know your prescription before choosing the contact lens. You also need to consider whether you will need to use the lens for an occasional use or not.
2. The next thing to do is identifying the eyes of the character that you want to imitate, include the patterns and the colors. For example, if you consider taking the character of Akiyama Mio you should pick up contact lens with blue or gray eyes with small highlights and little black rim. Thus, make sure that you will eliminate all other colors and leave blues and dark grays only.
3. Browse the Softlens Queen’s catalog to find a brand with suitable lenses. If you wonder how the lenses will look like if they are used by a real person, you can easily find the answer by clicking the images provided in the catalog.
For enthusiastic cosplayers
Popular Brands for Anime Contact Lenses
There are a lot of brands out there that offer anime contact lenses for the customers, but the most popular ones are Geo and EOS. However, between the two brands, Geo comes with the most affordable price. Meanwhile, EOS is higher in prices because the contact lenses provided offers more comfortability. Most of the models from Japanese Gyaru use the lenses of EOS because they are comfortable and have a degree. If you plan to use lenses occasionally, Geo might become the better choice. The brand is having security check stickers that contain 20 digit codes which you can check online. Unlike the Geo, EOS does not provide security checks.
There are a lot of anime softlens products that are included in Tokyo Ghoul series and of the most recommended one is Geo Anime CPF3
Softlens Queen
Tokyo Ghoul Contact Lenses: What Are They?
Tokyo Ghoul contact lenses (Geo CP-F series) are the products of Softlens Queen. The name of the products is inspired by Japanese anime that is now gaining huge popularity in the world. There are a lot of anime soft lens products that are included in Tokyo Ghoul, and of the most recommended one is Geo Anime CPF3. This soft contact lens will be perfect to complement your anime cosplay. It comes with red that will make your eyes look glow even when you are in the dark. The lens can be purchased without any prescription. It means, that the soft lens is addressed for those with clear vision.
The base curve of the lens is 8.6 and it is manufactured by Geo Medical Korea. Meanwhile, the diameter of the product is 14mm with 38% water content. This Geo Anime CPF3 comes with Plano size and can be used for 1 year in maximum. This product is so popular and that there are only 10 items left now. So, visit the Softlens Queen and go grab the anime lens!